Southern Charm is one of the larger growing Azalea varieties we offer....reaching heights of 6 - 8 feet if left to grow naturally. Can also be kept at a wide range of heights through regular pruning / trimming in late winter. This evergreen Azalea will produce steady, large volumes of light pink to slightly mauve colored blooms all through spring. Blooming can be encouraged & extended through removal of older, expired blooms, and pruning of longer branches. Blooms are average size ( avg 2 1/2 " diameter ), and are one of the better pink shaded colors we have ever seen. Foliage is typical of most of the Southern Indica Azaleas, being fairly large, slightly elongated, and very dark green when mature. Newer growth is a slightly lighter green color, with fine hairlike "fuzz" commonly seen on newer foliage / leaves.
Popular uses for Southern Charm include hedges, colorful accents or borders, and also works very well to help highlight any semi shaded area. Have even seen this variety used as an under story planting under the shady canopies of larger shade trees.
Like all Azaleas, Southern Charm prefers semi shade, and will even do well in planting locations with mostly shade. Shallow, non aggressive root system makes them a great foundation planting choice, and can even be planted closely together for use as a colorful hedge. This fairly shallow root system however, also requires that Azaleas be given regular watering - be sure that your Azaleas receive water equivalent to about 1" of rainfall each & every week throughout the growing season.